Welcome to this post: Ecotools Brush Review.
A healthy complexion and a healthy inside are mostly a result of your diet and lifestyle choices, BUT, there is a way to ramp that up and take your skin game to the next level with a small daily health hack.
If you’re in the health and wellness world, you’ve likely heard of this trend and have been curious: is it all hype or is it legit?
Well, folks, get excited because there are some real benefits (besides the fact that it feels like a full body back scratch!). It’s so invigorating.
Benefits of Dry Brushing
–Enhanced detoxification through the skin
–Improved + dewy complexion, as dry brushing takes away the top layer of dead skin cells
–Better lymphatic function (one of the systems + pathways utilized to rid the body of waste).
–Reduced appearance of cellulite. This is tied in with the lymphatic benefits; dry brushing stimulates blood flow and encourages the build up in your tissue to get flushed out with other toxins. It also can activate adipose tissue beneath the skin and spread out fat deposits, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.
–Improved circulation and heart health. You can optimize this by starting at your extremities and working your way towards your heart.
It’s so rad that the benefits are both health related and also address overall good body feeling + appearance. This brush is super affordable and I love the dry brushing part of my daily routine.
I brush my body in the shower before I start running the water to be sure that I catch all of the little skin particles that the brush takes off.
Jump back here and let me know what you think of dry brushing after you try it. Happy brushing!
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