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Mud Wtr Rise Cacao Powder

Mud Wtr Rise Cacao Powder gives you energy & improved cognition in a way that is just right. With 1/6 of the caffeine of coffee, Rise Cacao utilizes on ayurvedic herbs, adaptogens, and cacao to give you natural focus and immune support without having to worry about jitters or interrupting sleeping at night.

Mud Wtr Rise Cacao Powder is a blend of masala chai and adaptogens giving you a sharp mind, physical performance, and a supported immune system. It’s earthy, a little chocolatey, and slightly spicey. It’s like chai and hot cocoa had a little hippie love child.

How to use: Add a tablespoon to hot water and add whatever you like (i.e. other superfoods, butter, collagen). Some like it with a little creamer, some honey, or even bulletproof. Done? Stir well before enjoying like the legendary human that you are.

Mud Wtr says that they are not mad at coffee, just disappointed. So they made something they see as better. It’s organic with zero sugar or sneaky sweeteners added. Each cup of Mudw tr has just a fraction of the caffeine found in coffee, leaving you focused and alert during the day, while allowing you to access deep sleep at night.