Welcome to this post: Are Grounding Techniques Powerful for Health?
What is Grounding?
Through the lens of science, grounding refers to the practice of benefitting & energizing the body by collecting free electrons from the surface of the earth. You might wonder, where do these free electrons come from? Let’s zoom out. Know that the sun is a cathode ray. The earth is an anode. Whenever a cathode ray hits an anode ray, it creates free electrons.
This free electron energy, created initially by the sun, acts as a charger to us, the battery. It physically and even subatomically energizes us. Additionally, humans are unique in our capability to absorb these free electrons efficiently through both our hands and feet, as we possess eccrine sweat glands on all 4 extremities. This enhances our body’s conductivity.
Finding more time in your days to connect to the earth, commonly referred to as grounding or earthing, will allow you to help mitigate the detrimental effects of the EMF-rife time we live in. Not to mention, the feeling of “attention restoration” that nature provides serves many other positive purposes in regard to our overall health and well-being.

In this modern world that is increasingly reliant on and glued to technology, it’s time we get curious about the cost of this attachment to incessant technology use. Though our lives’ integration with technology may seem positive in that it has enhanced our connectedness to humans globally, there is a downside to consider.
The non-native EMFs that modernity has introduced to us didn’t exist hundreds of years ago. Thus, perhaps it’s worth considering what present-day, chronic health struggles are connected to this. However, this is not an anti-tech post. Rather, this piece aims to better equip you with an understanding of grounding that can help you successfully mitigate the effects. The goal of this post is to increase your awareness and give you actionable steps to reconnect to nature so that your state for health improves.
Benefits of Grounding
Keep in mind that grounding benefits your physiology as a whole, but here are some important benefits to highlight:
- Increased mitochondrial efficiency
- Improved cellular hydration & generation of structured water within your body
- Reduced systemic inflammation
- Reduces pain sensations
- Improved blood flow, circulation, and Qi
- Normalized cortisol response and stress patterns
- Improved sleep, better recovery, and deeper restfulness at night
“Grounding or earthing could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for modern man. It is one of the greatest kept secrets when it comes to our health and aliveness and only a small part of the scientific community really understands the concept. Once health professionals and others realize that grounding is especially important in preventing inflammatory illness, an incredible effect on public health will be realized.”
PMID: 36528336
Grounding Through A Philosophical Lens
Through a philosophical lens, perhaps it can be most understandable to simply think about your current culture in terms of frequency. Our society is operating at a completely different frequency than our ancestors considering the combination of WIFI signals electromagnetic frequencies, and radio waves. Additionally, we are predominantly indoor creatures, disconnected from fresh air, earth, and natural light.
Hundreds of years ago, when our world was void of those man-made frequencies and living habits, humans’ physiology truly experienced a completely different frequency. It makes sense that when a human’s biology is in a different frequency than it’s intended to be in, it would experience illness to some degree.
You’re reading: Are Grounding Techniques Powerful for Health?
“When you walk barefoot on the Earth, free electrons are transferred from the Earth into your body, and this grounding effect is one of the most potent antioxidants we know of.”
-Dr. Joseph mercola
Is Grounding Just for Hippies?
Looking past our culture’s knee-jerk view of looking at barefoot humans in nature as hippies or nature lovers, it can be helpful to remember that we are all human beings. We all have biology that benefits from being more in sync with nature. Thus, perhaps we all have a nature-loving, hippie aspect to our existence. Maybe it’s exactly what we are built for.

Research has found that earthing, coming in contact with the infinite sea of electrons that line our earth, helps decrease inflammation. Researchers found that earthing decreases the amount of neutrophils, one of the main immune cells responsible for seasonal allergies.
-Dr. catherine clinton
How is this possible? Our liquid crystal fascia creates a living matrix of semiconductive tissue that is able to dispel charge from the body and absorb charge from the surface of our earth directly into our body. This fascial network is able to transport this energy almost instantaneously throughout the body.
Even our cells, DNA and proteins are semiconductive and able to receive these free electrons and use them to restore electrical charge and decrease inflammation.
You’re reading: Are Grounding Techniques Powerful for Health?

“Good EMF = Sunlight and the Schumann frequency. Bad EMF = non native signals from artificial light and technology.”
-Dr. Jack kruse
What are Some Grounding Techniques?
To get in contact with this layer of free electrons that lines our earth, you have several ways you can choose to do it:
-Spending time barefoot on grass, dirt, rocks, sand, as well as most sidewalks, cement, and concrete (assuming it’s in contact with the earth beneath it)
-Being in contact with anything rooted or growing out of the earth.
-Being immersed in or in contact with a body of water (river, lake, pond, creek, etc.)
-Sitting in contact with the ground while wearing conductive material like linen, wool, or cotton.
-Petting an animal that is in touch with the earth.
-Additional options exist such as wearing grounding shoes (often have a copper plug in the sole to make them conductive) or equipping your bed with grounding sheets
“The Earth carries a negative charge – and I want to help you steal this charge for you selves
-Dr. Jack KRuse
As an electric organism, (which we all are) when you are ‘connected’ to the earth, you will pick up electrons, or negative charges from the Earth itself.”
Grounding Tool Considerations
There’s an important differentiation to make when considering alternatives to physically grounding in nature. Although many modern-day tools can provide some mitigation, without actual interface with the earth, you are not receiving the same electron flow into the body that neutralizes inflammation the way that grounding does.
Similar to receiving the benefits of natural sunlight, there is simply no true equivalent substitute for the earth. No gadget, crystalline structure, or man-made tool can link you directly to the earth the way that grounding can. It’s in the intelligence of what nature offers. Some call this the quantum understanding. None of these alternatives can replicate what the Earth offers. I hope you can find relief in the fact that nature offers you abundant revitalizing abilities, and you can access it for free.
That said (and now that we understand seeking replacements for nature isn’t advantageous) are there things we can do to make our indoor environment better? I personally do see value in using grounding mats inside my home. I like the ones that Hooga makes. They have a video on their youtube channel that showcases the continuity in the their mats, showing that it can help you in reaching a vibation closer to the Schumann resonance that the earth is at. I personally run the wire out the door and into the earth itself (instead of using the grounding part of an outlet – this is to prevent interference by what’s called “dirty electricity.”
Another route you could go is incorporating a PEMF mat; a brand I like for this is Boncharge. Thought it works differently than grounding to the earth, the aim is to mimmick the positive effects of keeping your body in a healthy frequency/vibrational state.

Thank you for reading this post: Are Grounding Techniques Powerful for Health?
Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth’s Surface Electrons: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3265077
Evidence for mobile phone radiation exposure effects on reproductive pattern of male rats: role of ROS: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22897402/
The response of human bacteria to static magnetic field and radiofrequency electromagnetic field: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28956351
Grounding – The universal anti-inflammatory remedy: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36528336/
Integrative and lifestyle medicine strategies should include Earthing (grounding): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31831261/
The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25848315/