Welcome to this post: Harsh BPA in Receipt Paper.

Harsh BPA in Receipt Paper
No, it’s not a joke. No, you don’t need to freak or obsess. It’s just about the easy “no’s” and being aware.
I’m not suggesting we raise our stress levels all the time in response to toxins.
HOWEVER, if you spend large chunks of your brain power daily on senseless mainstream media, television, sitcoms, the newest Netflix show—MAYBE you could spend a percentage of that time instead learning, being more aware of how to help yourself and your family be healthier and live an empowered life – instead of blaming others for your health state or outsourcing all the power to your practitioner.
I believe everyone deserves to know what the implications are of what’s in their environment/daily habits. But a lot of that is you taking the initiative to learn💛
The good news is that you increasing your knowledge can go a long way🙏🏽

You’re reading: Harsh BPA in Receipt Paper.
Major Source of BPAs
Many are aware of BPAs in plastic bottles, containers, straws, etc. However, receipt paper is a big contributor to BPA exposure.
Effects on Fertility
Exposure to phlalates like BPAs has been linked to impaired female & male reproductive development, low libido, decreased sperm count,
Change in Gonads
Studies show repeated exposure to phthalates are correlated with a shorter distance between the anus & penis, and smaller penises.
Endocrine Disruption
In addition to pesticides, BPA is a powerful endocrine disruptor. Phthalates can also be present in skin/haircare. Another related tip is to get rid of plastic in your coffee-brewing process.
Resources to Learn More
For more, look into the work of Dr. Shanna Swan of Mount Sinai, Michael Eisenberg at Stanford, as well as the content shared in the Tim Ferris x Andrew Huberman Podcast episode around 2:16:20.
Maybe you landed on this blog post because you were searching the web for “bpa thermal paper ban”, “bpa thermal paper dangers”, “bpa receipts snopes”, “how to tell if thermal paper is bpa-free”, “how to tell if a receipt has bpa”, “bisphenol-a”, “How do I know if my thermal paper has BPA?”, “Is it safe to touch receipts?”, “are Walmart receipts BPA free?”, “are CVS receipts BPA free?”, or “bpa receipt paper”.
No matter what search terms got you here, I’m happy to be connected and I appreciate your support of my blog and this post: Harsh BPA in Receipt Paper. Rooting for you to feel good and find some incredible holistic alternatives here.