Grounding Sheet
Grounding Sheet by Grounding Official restore an essential electric connection to the Earth, lost over time because of the way humans live (often indoors with shoes on). This is one of the reasons that many of us go through life with pain and weak health precisely because of this disconnection. When reconnected to earth, people feel, sleep, and look better. They also are healthier with less pain and lowered stress levels.
Earthing by using a grounding sheet is a health and healing reconnection that works for all ages, from babies to seniors. It restores a broken link to an abandoned natural protector – the planet’s vibrational healing energy,
Grounding Official’s Grounding Sheets are made from 95% premium organic cotton, 5% of the highest quality of silver, and they connect you to the earth’s surface similar to as you would walking barefoot – all while you sleep.
Benefits of using a Grounding Sheet:
- Eliminates or substantially reduces inflammation
- Eliminates or substantially reduces pain
- Increases metabolic rate
- Influences thyroid gland function
- Reduces muscle damage, accelerates recovery from strenuous exercise
- Speeds wound healing
- Improves immune system response to trauma and injuries
- Normalizes muscle tension
- Reduces PMS symptoms and hot flashes
- Anti-aging effects
- Better sleep
- Improves energy
- Decreases stress
- Improves mood
- Reduces blood viscosity
- Improves regulation of blood flow in the torso, extremities, and face
- Improves glucose (blood sugar) regulation
- Prevents calcium and bone density loss, reduces indicators of osteoporosis