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DrinkMe Organic Smoothies Review
About Drink Me:
“Drinkme was founded in 2007 when Christina Paganelli began making kale smoothies to satisfy her own health regime. From the Canadian prairies to the booming California market, drinkme rose to the top of the market in both Canada and the USA in 7 years. Brand Story, passion, science, innovation, and rock solid products have led their way to success for this organic and “Kale-roots” growth company.
Drinkme has pioneered the HPP technology in Canada, and has positioned as a first to market company in the fast paced, high growth beverage space in the USA.
We strive to be the best, most nutritious drink on the market. Cliché? We truly put only the most authentic, raw ingredients into our bottles. Read our labels, you’ll see. Every ingredient breathes light and positive energy into our delicious creations and you can feel the life as you drink.
We strive to create a business model that is sustainable. We have grown the organic and grass roots way, and know who we are!
Christina’s Story:
“My journey began when I was in the prime of my life, finishing years of university, getting married and starting my career. Suddenly, my vision blurred and I was seeing double. One eye went wall-eyed and I couldn’t see. If I tried to open my eyes I would fall over with dizziness. This introduced me to the medical system, and ultimately was sent to a “specialist” who diagnosed me with multiple sclerosis. Six months later, 4 ½ months pregnant, and still reeling from my last diagnosis, I was dealt another blow, I had thyroid cancer. In my fifth month of pregnancy, I underwent major surgery to completely remove my thyroid, and soon after, I was radiated. That’s when I found out that the cancer had spread to my lungs. Another radiation treatment, six months later made me very ill, but the results were the same. The cancer tumors were still the same size, at stage 4 and I was sent home to “wait it out” with cancer and MS.
I began taking an immune suppressant drug to help decrease the effects of the MS. After struggling a month to inject myself, and suffering with side effects, I was informed that the drug company would not allow me to take this drug because I had cancer too. What a waste of time, money, and added stress.
At age 26, I had been poked and prodded long enough. It became apparent that something was clearly wrong with the chemistry of my body. I decided to take my health into my own hands! I attended a health seminar about enzymes, probiotics, and raw foods, and I decided that I would try to heal myself. I made up my mind that I would heal and then I would use my story to inspire others too. My husband and I, and baby Antonio are committed to changing our lifestyles and eating habits. We discarded every food from our cupboards and replaced all of it with only raw organic foods. Then, our diet consisted of fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds, oils, and top quality enzymes, probiotics, and other raw supplements.
You’re reading: DrinkMe Organic Raw Blended Smoothies Review.
The first few days and weeks of our new lifestyle proved very challenging. While my body detoxified, I experienced severe migraines, fever, and blurred vision. Twenty six years of processed and chemically laden foods finally came out of my body. I shed a pound a day and within 3 weeks of adapting to this new lifestyle, scar tissue began healing. Amazingly, I no longer required my prescription glasses.
For the last ten years, I have not required any subsequent medical procedures for either disease. Against all odds, I am still thriving. We even had another healthy child Giulia, who is now 7 years old. I attribute my recovery to my new lifestyle, food choices, and pro-active care. Today, my diet consists of at least 50% raw food, with all else as a secondary. drinkmeTM Beverages are an integral part of my day. I visit an endocrinologist yearly and thankfully, everything is normal. I have never felt better in my life, and I am committed to helping others.
A quote that influenced me, is…. “The only thing I drank was a cup of reality, with a shot of appreciation.”– Kermit the Frog.
The truth is, sometimes one has to hit rock bottom before one can bounce back. I am truly grateful for the life journey that I have been through the past ten years. When I hear people say, “I’m sorry for all that you have been through”, I respond, “don’t be sorry…it’s the best thing that has ever happened to me!”
DrinkMe Organic Raw Blended Smoothies Review
If you’re on the hunt for a raw, organic, cold-pressed juice, you’re likely to come across a handful of brands that are accessible at your local health food store. Many of them are great options and are highly nutritious.
What sets DrinkMe beverages apart from the world of juices is that these drinks are BLENDED, not JUICED. Thus, the naturally occurring fiber in the fruits and veggies used is intact in every bottle of DrinkMe. This makes each bottle more satisfying, more detoxifying and more in line with how nature intended us to consume it.
On top of the fact that these drinks are fiber rich, they are also entirely organic, raw and nutritionally rich. There are fewer ways to ingest such a hearty dose of healing nutrients in a short amount of time. A bottle of DrinkMe is ideal to grab on your way to work, with lunch or for a quick energy boost.
The frozen smoothie packs are an excellent way to store a healthy meal in your work’s freezer, or simply keep at home for a quick whip-up. The flavor of them is so fresh and delicious that I didn’t need to mix them with anything. I just let them thaw a bit before I drank them. Refreshing and delicious!
My experience with DrinkMe has been nothing short of spectacular. Christina is so generous, passionate, kind–and I absolutely believe in the products that she has created. My local Whole Foods has these products, making it easy for me to re-stock on them. For you guys and gals, DrinkMe makes it easy to find a store near you that carries DrinkMe. I’d recommend these to anyone looking to make a great, daily investment in your health. These drinks can help take your nutrition to the next level!