QuercElite Quercetin Supplement
QuercElite Quercetin Supplement contains the plant compound quercetin, one of the most effective natural antihistamines. Quercetin is normally only 5% bioavailable, but the broccoli seed complex in QuercElite Quercetin Supplement increases the bioavailability and ushers/allows quercetin to cross the cell membrane. Quercetin on its own is not able to do that. Thus, the formulation of QuercElite solves the bio-availability issue by getting it into the body so that it works fast and provides you maximum efficacy.
Quercetin is an antioxidant found in many plant species that helps the body to neutralize unstable molecules (called free radicals). Free radicals can cause damage to cells by creating chronic inflammation. The bioavailable quercetin in QuercElite helps to enhance your immune response, alleviate allergies, promote cognitive/brain health, and protect against many hallmarks of aging.
QuercElite Quercetin Supplement performs a range of functions. With The Mara Lab’s highly bioavailable formula, QuercElite has an immediate impact on allergies and other allergic responses within the body. This is also backed by recent research on quercetin. Firstly, QuercElite blocks the release of histamines (molecules that cause allergic reactions) from your immune cells. Additionally, QuercElite can help with Mast Cell Activation by blocking histamine release.
In addition to these anti-allergy mechanisms, QuercElite Quercetin Supplement also posesses gut health and anti-aging benefits. As we grow in years, cells can become less functional and get trapped in a state called senescence. These senescent cells produce inflammation in the body. Quercetin is a senolytic compound, meaning it clears the body of senescent cells and improves health. Quercetin is also one of the strongest natural tight junction inducers, improving gut health and gut barrier protection. The use of this healthy compound has been shown to protect cell viability and longevity, specifically in the prostate. Also, quercetin’s mechanisms have a positive effect on cellular inflammation and apoptosis, while still maintaining the integrity of healthy cells.
The Mara Lab’srecommended dose for QuercElite® is 2 capsules per day (350mg of quercetin). You can take both capsules at once, however, they recommend that you take one in the morning and one in the evening.