January 31, 2024

Berkey Filters Banned by Corrupt EPA Boroux Emerges

The Author

Jesica Williams

Since 2012, I’ve been creating digital wellness guides and researching natural beauty products, HIIT workouts, functional exercises, body positivity, self love, and tips helping you explore wellness and feel good.

Welcome to this post: Berkey Filters Banned by Corrupt EPA Boroux Emerges.

Berkey Filters Banned by Corrupt EPA Boroux Emerges

As a Berkey Filters user and affiliate for over a decade, of course I was both concerned and interested when I started noticing long period of time passing with items out of stock on the Berkey Filters website.

Fast forward to months later, and I’ve learned (like the above video I recorded covers), that the EPA was trying to shut Berkey Filters down for forcing them to classify their carbon filters as a pesticide, as they contain silver – which naturally possesses anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-septic qualities.

Berkey Water Filter Replacement: Boroux Filters

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Berkey Filters Banned by Corrupt EPA Boroux Emerges

After a long battle, Berkey Filters has closed. The good news though, is that Boroux has emerged – same people and brand running the show of berkeyfilters.com. The Boroux Foundation filters are compatible with the Berkey Water Filter that you already own.

And, I’d recommend staying tuned in to what’s coming with Boroux. They have been derailed by this but haven’t wasted time in getting clean water options going and available for you. To my best understanding, these Boroux filters are made from specialized activated carbon, and do not contain the silver that the previous ones did (otherwise I suppose the same issue would arise with the EPA).

Right after hitting publish on this post, I found a thread online showing that the retailer of Berkey Filters, usaberkeyfilters.com is still in business, HOWEVER, they are sold out of pretty much everything that involves a carbon filter, including all of the filtration kits.

Use the code FEELMOREGOODER for 10% off Boroux Foundation Water Filters.

Thank you for stopping by this brief post and brand update. I’ll be sure to update this post as more unfolds and more products roll out: Berkey Filters Banned by Corrupt EPA Boroux Emerges.

Maybe you arrived on this post because you were searching the web for “berkey filters banned”, “protection corruption and drug trafficking”, “berkey water filters”, “berkey epa”, “alexapure vs berkey”, “royal berkey water filter”, “what is the capacity of Orion engineered carbons?”, “global corruption report”, “border protection corruption and drug”, or “berkey filters epa.” No matter how you got here, I appreciate your interest, curiosity, and support.

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