Shoot for the Moon Quote and Giving Yourself Credit

The Author

Jesica Williams

Since 2012, I’ve been creating digital wellness guides and researching natural beauty products, HIIT workouts, functional exercises, body positivity, self love, and tips helping you explore wellness and feel good.

Welcome to this post: Shoot for the Moon Quote and Giving Yourself Credit.

As much as I run, I rarely let myself feel a sense of accomplishment from all of that work. I also feel like unless I run more than 5 miles, it is not a successful workout day.

If another individual shared that with me, I would think “Wow, give yourself a pat on the back. You consistently get out there and exert yourself–thats excellent and admirable to run that much.”

Why can’t I do that for myself? It is truly a struggle for me–giving myself credit. I’ve come to realize that a lot of this comes with comparing myself to others. There are times when I think “I have been an athlete my entire life–training, sweating, working, challenging my body, why do I still look at others and think they look better than me?”

Recently, Ive decided to change this. This perception that I am not as good as others is an illusion–one that will only slow me down. There is no positive that can come from comparing myself to others and feeling down about it– ESPECIALLY since I contribute so much time and energy to my health. I need to give myself some credit.

I often think while looking at photos on instagram, “Wow, look at that before and after picture–what a difference!” Then I look at myself and think,

“I haven’t lost any significant amount of weight, nor dropped 6 jean sizes, nor transformed by body completely.”

What I’ve realized is THAT IS OKAY! Instead of focusing on what I have not done, I remind myself that I have been health conscious and working hard on my fitness my entire life–as far back as I can remember. Just because I never gained a lot of weight that I challenged myself to lose, or dropped jean sizes just for the sake of being thinner, doesn’t mean that my constant dedication to fitness and nutrition is any less AWESOME! Why do I forget that? Why do WE forget that?

I am challenging myself to get out of that mode of thinking and instead, take moments to appreciate the healthy body I’m living in and that innate drive I have to grow and be the healthiest individual I can be.

The title of this post is “Shoot for the Moon…” because I have always loved this quote:

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars.”

In my mind, this translates to: “Try your very best, dream big, and set challenging goals. Even if you don’t reach them, you will come within an arms reach from it because you challenged yourself and dedicated yourself to something.”

This applies to my life and routine in this way: some days, as I described before, I don’t give myself credit unless I exceed my own expectations. I say, lets trash that thought and get it clear out of my mind. It’s so negative and will not contribute to my success as a fit individual. Instead, maybe I can say to myself:

“You made strides today, challenged yourself, and became healthier in the process. Great job, Jesica.”

What negative thoughts do YOU struggle with and how do you “squash” that thought?

Thanks for stopping by this post: Shoot for the Moon Quote and Giving Yourself Credit.

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  1. oh i love this post jessica! me too…..all i see is what is wrong instead of what is right…..we need to remind ourselves that we do a lot and look great and also need to enjoy the process and life!

    • Here’s to reminding ourselves that we are awesome and enjoying this journey of challenging our bodies :))

  2. Jesica, I am glad to read that you are thinking more positive about yourself. I try not to think about how I look to others, but how I look to myself. If I want to lose weight then I work at it, If I am happy with the way I look, then I try to maintain it. Unfortunately most people do not have a schedule that will permit them to work out and stay in shape everyday. I do what I can and keep trying to improve my health.

    • Randy,
      Great advice. At the end of the day you should be pleased with yourself–so true. This fitness journey is so rewarding when we work hard for it–thanks for being constant motivation 🙂

  3. I’ve heard it said that the first step to making a change for the better is identifying what needs to change…… You sound like you are on the path to doing that… Here is to SQUASHING the negative self talk!!! And thanks for setting the example!

    • I love this! Back in May, my yoga teacher was talking about how people are so obsessed with what they want, that they lose sight of what they have already accomplished. Great post!

      • How cool is that!? And what a neat coincidence. I’m seeing the importance (finally) in remembering to give yourself a pat on the back. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • That sounds about right. Glad I can recognize the negative thoughts so that I can get rid of them 🙂 love you, Mom–thanks for the great advice!

  4. After getting diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis
    In Dec of 2010; my world started crumbling–my body was giving up (I thought) on me but I still have so
    Many more marathons, lakes to swim, more tri’s
    To complete. How do u keep it positive?
    But I do cause of have no choice, oh yah-
    Be friend positive people. Thx for being one.

    • First of all–You are braver and more courageous than I am. That’s outstanding that you are seeking a positive outlook. I am not in your situation, but there are a few things that work for me when I am looking to stay positive:
      1) I imagine myself. My healthiest and fittest self. I picture myself running on a beach striding effortlessly, not out of breath, my arms and legs alternating in unison, beautifully advancing forward. Picturing this helps me focus on what I want and attract it to myself.
      2) The food I eat effects how good I feel when I run. When I put things into my mouth, I remember this and that helps me avoid the junk.
      3) Remembering that organic and healthy foods do not have to taste bad. Try new things so that what you eat is exciting and satisfying.
      4) Often, think of all the people that inspire you. Focus on the athletes, actors, writers (whoever it may be that you look up to) and write reminders or post pictures of those people in your kitchen, bathroom, or common place. You get what you focus on. If you focus on these inspirational people you admire, you are on the right track to maintaining positivity.

      Thank you so much for inquiring about this with me–I sure hope it helps. Sending lots of love and positive vibes your way! 🙂

  5. You are so awesome – and so wise! And a role model to so many! I could gush about you forever, but to get to the point – I LOVE that you have decided to change your mindset – because that’s where ANY significant change in our lives begins.

    Nice work, well said. xo

    • My goodness….I’m overwhelmed with how awesome and encouraging you are. Thank you SO much! I’m glad I’ve made this realization that you can turn off negative thoughts. As always–I appreciate you and your thoughts!!! :))

  6. Oh honey. I want to hug you. This is what I hate the most about blogs and Instagram. So many of these people are not healthy. They over exercise and undereat and post lots if pictures for the approval they crave. They feed off the readers telling them they look so great all to fill a void they can’t fill themselves. You are so pretty and you look fine!! I am glad you are going to start seeing that. Don’t sell yourself short. Don’t reach for the unattainable. Just be happy and accepting of the amazing assets you do have!

    • You are so wise. I appreciate the perspective and know you are absolutely right. Thank you for the reminder. Lots of hugs your way! You ROCK!! Thanks for taking the time to write!

  7. Jesica, this post is fantastic. I definitely empathise. I sometimes feel like I spend half the day looking at friends and complete strangers and thinking that they are perfect and I wish I had their legs/waist/face/frame. I love this reminder to just celebrate what we can do with our bodies.

    Don;t transform yourself – you’re perfect the way you are!

    • Thank you for reading! And it’s comforting to know that others can relate. It’s time to celebrate ourselves instead of beating ourselves up. Love the positive words!!!! Thank you times a milllion! 🙂

  8. I have consistently done the same thing to myself as far as comparing myself and not giving myself credit unless I meet or exceed my own expectations. Like you, I never had a huge weight gain & have been pretty much consistent in my size over the last decade or so. We need to give ourselves more credit for maintaining our health and being consistent with our workouts! Thanks Jesica!

    • Thanks for stopping by and reading this, Brandi! It’s funny how you say you’re similar to me because I remember thinking how driven and dedicated you were with health and working out at the Wellness Center–and there I was giving you credit, but giving myself none. It’s neat that others can relate. Here’s to giving ourselves a pat on the back 🙂


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