October 12, 2023

Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA

The Author

Jesica Williams

Since 2012, I’ve been creating digital wellness guides and researching natural beauty products, HIIT workouts, functional exercises, body positivity, self love, and tips helping you explore wellness and feel good.

non toxic plastic swaps to reduce bpa feel more gooder

Welcome to this post: Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce BPA.

Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA feel more gooder stojo berkey simply straws

Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA

There are so many options nowadays in regards to easy plastic swaps. This is important for all of us for overall health and decreasing the burden on our organs. It may not seem like much, and in a daily’s time, it’s not a ton. But, over time, microplastics can accumulate in our system. Thus, it’s all about the daily habits to insure that you’re working towards clearing them out of your system rather than accumulating them.

Acquiring more swaps for a nontoxic kitchen may seem overwhelming, but I’m hoping to introduce you to some brands that you can look to. You’ll see that there are a lot of good options out there and you can replace the plastic that you currently have, little by little, over time. I would opt to take an inventory of the items that you use the most often (i.e. the travel cup that you take your coffee to work in) and start with replacing that with a better option.

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Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA feel more gooder

You’re reading: Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA.

According to the EPA, the waste created by this widespread, chronic use of plastic is also notable: “Plastics are a rapidly growing segment of municipal solid waste (MSW). While plastics are found in all major MSW categories, the containers and packaging category had the most plastic tonnage at over 14.5 million tons in 2018. This category includes bags, sacks and wraps; other packaging; polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and jars; high-density polyethylene (HDPE) natural bottles; and other containers.

Manufacturers also use plastic in durable goods, such as appliances, furniture, casings of lead-acid batteries and other products. EPA does not include plastics in transportation products, other than lead-acid batteries, in this analysis.

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Plastics are found in nondurable products, such as disposable diapers, trash bags, cups, utensils, medical devices and household items such as shower curtains. The plastic food service items are generally made of clear or foamed polystyrene, while trash bags are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) or low-density polyethylene (LDPE). A wide variety of other resins are used in other nondurable goods. Refer to the definitions of durable goodsnondurable goods, and containers and packaging.”

Easy Swaps for a Nontoxic Consumer

Getting away from frequent plastic use (most importantly single-use plastic) is especially important for women who have heavy/painful periods (that’s been me most of my life). According to Dr. Avivva Romm (Women’s Health MD + Midwife) in her “Heavy Periods: Common Causes and What You Can Do” podcast episode 146:

“Avoid plastic. Avoid food and beverages that are in plastic containers or packaged in plastic, including water bottles, and choose glass or stainless steel food containers, water bottles, and glasses instead.”

Dr. Avivva Romm Podcast; episode titled: “Heavy Periods: Common Causes and What You Can Do” podcast episode 146

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A Note on BPA-free Plastic

BPA-free products can still leach harmful chemicals into food and beverages. Some research has shown that products continuing BPF and BPS contain compounds that may disrupt cellular function, even in very small doses. It seems as though we are still learning about the safety/toxicity of these BPA-free alternatives. So, at this point, my choice is to stay away from plastic reusables and opt for options like glass, stainless steel, and silicone. Prepared, not scared 🤝🏽

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Safest Food Storage Containers

Here are my favorites:

Simply Straws

Simply straws makes reusable, sustainable, durable, recyclable and hand-crafted straws with mindful intention in California. These colored glass straws are made of non-toxic materials and are BPA free. Simply Straws is very proud to be a Clean Energy business and EPA Green Power Partner. All of their electric energy is offset by Arcadia Power, a local wind and solar clean energy provider. Simply Straws is committed to building a brighter future for everyone by using renewable power, supporting local green jobs that cannot be outsourced, and fighting pollution. You’re reading: Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA.

– Simply Straws: glass and metal straws; they come in a range of colors and sizes – code FEELMOREGOODER for 10% off


In 2012, three Brooklyn dads got together and had a caffeine-fueled idea: to create a collapsible, leak-proof coffee cup that makes it easier for people to say no to disposable culture., while also looking cool in the process. Stojo makes a full range of handy, ultra-portable accessories: from bottles to bowls to straws. Stojo is the ultimate planet-friendly product line that makes sustainable living easier to acheive.

– Stojo Collapsible Storage Bowlcode JESSW15 for 15% off
– Stojo Collapsible Silicone Cupcode JESSW15 for 15% off


Berkey Filters are the gold standard in home water filters, (and have been tested by accredited third-party labs) find that Berkey Filters address over 200 contaminants that are commonly found in tap water, such as: trihalomethanes, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, VOCs, petroleum products, inorganic minerals, heavy metals, perfluorinated chemicals, rust, silt, sediment, and radiologicals. You’re reading: Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA.

 Boroux Borosilicate Glass Bottlecode FEELMOREGOODER for 10% off
– Boroux Sleeve Bottlecode FEELMOREGOODER for 10% off

You’re reading: Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA.

I hope you gained a few insights from this post, or perhaps a few things to look at in your home that you weren’t previously paying atention to. Also, it’s not about taking a frantic, fearful headspace into these swaps. Rather, just focus on healthy expansion; being prepared, not scared.

Thank you for stopping by this post: Best Nontoxic Food Storage to Reduce Bad BPA.

Maybe you landed on this post because you were searching the web for “How do you reduce BPA in plastic?”, “list of easy swaps”, “What is a substitute for BPA plastic?”, “What are some strategies to reduce exposure to BPA?”, “to avoid bpa exposure”, “1”, “How can I reduce BPA and phthalates?”, “the list of easy”, “easy sustainable swaps for beginners”, “reduce your exposure to bpa”, “list of easy swaps”, “bpa estrogen”, “bisphenol a”, or “tropical coastal forest”.

No matter how you got here, I’m stoked that you’re on my blog. I’ve been creating healthy living resources since 2012 and am always striving to share and help more. Feel free to connect with me over on my Instagram page, and access exclusive content on my Patreon!

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